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The textual part of individual contributions should not exceed 50 standard pages (1 standard page = 1800 characters including spaces). The extent of reports and reviews should not exceed 5 standard pages. The submitted studies must include an English-written abstract in the extent of 500–700 characters, 3–5 keywords and relevant notes observing the citation standards used by the journal Historická demografie. Prior to submitting your article, please remove all identifying references to the author(s).
The manuscript is to be submitted in electronic form, in the MS Word text editor format *.doc or *.rtf, the tables and graphs together with source data are to be submitted in the MS Excel format and maps in *.jpg or *.tiff format with at least 300 dpi resolution. Individual pages of the manuscript and all attachments must be numbered.
Basic rules for an optimal manuscript format
A. Texts
- Insert footnotes with the help of the MS Word automatic function.
- Text marking (italics, bold) and the use of exponents and indexes will be maintained.
- Do not use different kinds of backgrounds and colours to edit the texts, headings, tables and graphs, and do not use underlining in the text.
- Do not use other than automatic formatting and please avoid using tabulators, division breaks, non-breaking and multiple spaces, paragraph indents made by spacebar, etc. In the final layout, the text will be wrapped in a different font size and type, so that any graphic editing of the text is in vain.
- Full bibliography must be provided at the end of the text. In case the cited article is supplied by doi identificator, it should be mentioned.
B. Tables, graphs, pictures
- Insert the elaborated tables and graphs directly into the text and attach them at the same time together with source data in a separate MS Excel file. While preparing the tables and graphs, please adapt the dimensions of inserted objects to maintain their readability in the final layout (approximately A5 format size).
- Insert all image files (maps, photographs) into the text and attach them at the same time as separate files in *.jpg or *.tiff format with at least 300 dpi resolution.
- Each table, graph, and picture must be captioned and the source must be quoted in the form of a short reference to used archival document, publication, or own calculation.
- The best suitable font type for graphs and tables is Times New Roman.
C. Citation rules
- Every article must be supplied with a list of Primary sources and a list of Secondary sources. Full bibliography must be provided at the end of the text.
- Footnotes are used for supplementary information, comments and primarily for citations of unpublished archival documents and other primary sources.
- Literature is referenced directly in the text in the form (surname of the author, year of publication: pages). Particularly in the case of books or more extensive papers, try to quote the page range of referenced text as accurately as possible. In the lists of sources, it is inevitable to give full references without any abbreviations and parentheses. Please avoid abbreviations like id. In the case of citing a work by more than three authors, only the first one is named, the abbreviation et al. follows. If two or more publications by one author date from the same year, distinguish between them adding the letter a, b, c, etc. to the year of publication.
Instructions for text editing (pdf)
Examples of basic types of references
In the text
(Maur, 1978)
(Ogilvie, 2003: 6–18)
In the list of sources
Maur, E. 1978. Základy historické demografie. Praha: SPN.
Ogilvie, S. 2003. A Bitter Living. Women, Markets and Social Capital in Early Modern Germany. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Edited documents:
In case the cited document is provided by an order number, it should be mentioned beside the pages.
In the text
(Jireček, 1876: 102–111, § C.XXXVII–§ C.LIX)
In the list of sources
Jireček, J. (ed.). 1876. Práva městská Království českého a Markrabství moravského od Pavla Kristiána z Koldína. Praha: Všehrd.
Journal articles:
In case the cited article is supplied by doi identification, it MUST be provided.
In the text
(Havlíček – Tureček – Velková, 2021: 3–4).
(Maur, 1970a; Maur, 1970b: 6–9)
(Moring, 2006: 400–405)
In the list of sources
Havlíček, J. – Tureček, P. – Velková, A. 2021. One but not two grandmothers increased child survival in poorer families in west Bohemian population, 1708–1834. Behavioral Ecology, 20, 1–13.
Maur, E. 1970a. Církevní matriky jako historický pramen (se zvláštním přihlédnutím k historické demografii). Sborník archivních prací, 20, 425–457.
Maur, E. 1970b. Církevní soupisy obyvatel v katolické a protestantské Evropě. Historická demografie, 4, 4–18.
Moring, B. 2006. Nordic Retirement Contracts and the Economic Situation of Widows. Continuity and Change, 21, 383–418.
Articles in edited volumes, chapters in collective monographs:
In the text
(Štefanová – Cerman, 2003: 102–105)
(Rose, 1994)
In the list of sources
Štefanová, D. – Cerman, M. 2003. Lebensunterhalt und Erwerb im Alter in ländlichen Gesellschaften der frühen Neuzeit. In Koldinská, M. – Velková, A. (eds.), Historik zapomenutých dějin. Sborník příspěvků věnovaných prof. dr. Eduardu Maurovi, 83–107, Praha: Libri.
Rose, O. 1994. Widowhood and Poverty in Nineteenth-century Nottinghamshire. In Henderson, J. – Wall, R. (eds.), Poor Women and Children in the European Past, 269–291. London: Psychology Press.
In the text
(Maur, 2005)
In the list of sources
Maur, E. 2005. Problémy studia migrací v českých zemích v raném novověku. Unpublished lecture presented in the conference Dějiny migrací v českých zemích v raném novověku, Prague, 14. 10. 2005.
Internet sources:
If the online document is cited as a primary source, please mention it in the footnote and in the list of sources as well.
Unpublished sources:
Unpublished sources must be referenced according to currently valid archival standards. The proper order of mentioned data shall be as follows: the correct official name of institution, fund/collection name, inventory number/accession number/signature, and storage unit. The names of archives and archival funds can be reduced to commonly used abbreviations. For the registration numbers and names of archival storage units use the designations and abbreviations in compliance with currently valid standards. In the case of more extensive materials add an as accurate as possible reference to the range of pages or folios.
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